Weather and Webcams
_Plan your visit by clicking on the images on the right for links to webcams and weather forecasts.
The Yosemite Conservancy has a webcam located at ground level in Yosemite Valley (4,000 ft.). The valley's floor is at about the same elevation as Wawona, so whatever weather pattern there is at one location, you can expect the other location to have roughly the same weather. It also has a webcam on Sentinel Dome (8,000 ft.), which is very helpful in planning your trip. Links to the Bass Lake webcam (3,500 ft.), and Fish Camp webcam (5,000 ft.), both south of Wawona, Happy Isles - Yosemite Valley (4,000 ft.), Badger Pass (7,000 ft.) and Mono Lake (6,400 ft.), east of the Park, are also provided. |